I've been there Mama, and I'm here to help you!
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Less is More
LESS toys.
LESS clutter.
LESS time cleaning up.
LESS frustration.
But more importantly,
LESS of YOU needed in their play.
Which leads to...
MORE independent play.
MORE time for you to do the things you want/need to do.
Do you wish your child would play independently for longer periods of time?
Do you feel like your home is being dominated by toy clutter?
Are you tired of living in a constant state of clean-up time? ​​
Do you have a vision for a beautiful, functional and tidy play area in your home?
Do you find it hard to maintain your child's play area and incorporate clean-up rhythms into your day? ​
Guided by Child Development
As far as PLAY goes, we've got 2 guiding principles.
1. We honor play as a child's most important work (just like Montessori did).
2. We believe that the environment is the third teacher (just like the Reggio Emilia approach does).
Combining these two principles with decades of experience creating play spaces, has taught us that less is more when it comes to toys and children's spaces.
We know that things like colors, furnishings, storage, textiles, clutter, rhythms, routines, and more all make a difference in a child's ability to play independently.
We are here to help you learn how these things can completely change the way your child plays.
With a little time and effort, you WILL make changes that last.
We've got tools galore to help you create {and maintain} beautiful, functional, play spaces in your homes so that your children can play independently and purposefully. And so you can get things done.
Let's work together to simplify your home, motherhood, and the childhood of your children.